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Delicious Encounter

This morning we took delight in organizing a meeting between two NGOs whom we assist, “Ma Chance Moi Aussi” (my chance, me too) and “Un rêve d’abeilles” (a dream of bees).


At a workshop session, our apiculture enthusiast Cedric introduced children and their families to the world of bees and how important it is to protect them.
Adults and kids alike were able to collect their own honey, with manual extraction of the hive frames, and to go home proud and happy with a small jar of honey each.
No less than 40kg of honey was extracted by their small hands!


This action meshes perfectly with the Dupessey&Co Endowment’s vocation of underpinning solidarity actions in favour of the environment, culture, and education.


Thank you to Cedric from Un rêve d’abeilles for his tuition and involvement, and to Ma Chance Moi Aussi for its welcome at their Chambery centre.